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Sunshine & Smiles

Swimming Sessions Tomorrow - Please Read

Hello everyone, we have our family swim session at Bramley tomorrow & this week I went over to chat to them about how the sessions are going as we are coming up to the end of our funding soon (don't worry .. we have just received a new grant to continue them) but we needed to have a review of the sessions.


We will be doing a survey with all of our swimmers in the next few weeks to get your feedback and ideas for how the sessions run, but in the meantime there were a couple of things that the team at Bramley have asked me to ask everyone to do to help keep our sessions safe & beneficial for everyone.


Tomorrow we will have one lane roped off for lessons so that children can have a space which is just for learning & is more distraction free. Over the next few sessions (not tomorrrow though) the swimming teachers will assess each child so that we can think about awards & skills they can be working towards. Please could everyone respect this space for lessons and ensure their children only go in the lane if it is their lesson.


Everyone should know what time their lesson is and the lesson timetable will be put up for people to see which teacher their child is with (we have now put teacher names on the timetable) - please could we ask you to take your child to the relevant teacher when it is your lesson time, if you miss your time slot for any reason the teachers will try to fit you in at the end of the booked swimming lessons where possible.


There were some concerns raised about health & safety by Bramley - I think because we all generally feel very safe & comfortable there and because the lifeguards & staff know us all very well, we have just maybe lost sight of some of the basic health & safety guidelines for swimming ... so just to ask people to please adhere to the following at our sessions:


Swimmers wearing armbands, float vests or similar or who cannot swim a full length independently should not go into the deep end - there is a sign at the point they should not go past & there will be a rope at that point in the pool tomorrow to help us keep to safe depths in the pool.


There should be no diving or bombing anywhere in the pool as this is fun family swim session and there are many people in the pool at all times.


The usual swimming pool rules apply in terms of supervision of children under 8 years - one adult can only supervise 2 children under the age of 8 so please make sure you have an additional adult helping if you have more than 2 children under 8. Children over 8 who can swim, can swim independently.


Please always be mindful of where your child is in the pool and supervise children under 8 & non swimmers at all times.


Please make sure everyone goes to the toilet & showers before getting into the pool.

Please don't eat in the hour before swimming - this can cause vomiting & cramp, both of which can be a drowning risk in the water.

Please ensure that children who are not fully toilet trained wear well fitting swim nappies in the pool.


I'm sorry for the very long message and for the 'directive tone' .. but as Bramley have reminded me .... water presents significant risks and we need to be mindful of this at all times and adhere to safety measures to minimise these risks as far as is possible, first & foremost to keep everyone safe.


We love our Bramley sessions and Bramley love us going there .. and I am sure we would all be devastated if something were to happen that affected us being able to have our sessions there!


Thank you for reading 😊


Kind Regards


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