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Sunshine & Smiles

Coronavirus Information & Update

Updated guidance and easy read guide regarding Coronavirus

Good Morning everyone,

We had an email from Dr Puri, one of the consultant community paediatricians here in Leeds, yesterday sharing an 'easy read' guide about coronavirus which may be helpful for people to share - link to the file here:

She is also closely linked to the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group, she advises: 'at the moment we do not have any specific information with regards to the specific risks to children and young people who have Down syndrome, apart from the fact that if they have an underlying medical condition e.g. Diabetes, heart disease , leukaemia then they are at an increased risk of having a more severe illness, if people are concerned they should seek advice through NHS 111. The main emphasis is on prevention by frequent hand washing and avoiding large gatherings.'

It may also help to let your schools, colleges or childcare settings know if you are concerned that your child or young person has lowered immunity or may be more adversely affected by Coronavirus so that they can let you know if there is any health information you need to be aware of in the wider setting or specific classes.

Link here to the NHS 111 advice & information page:

The newest government guidance, as of yesterday, is for anyone having symptoms of a new, persistent cough or higher than usual temperature to self-isolate for 7 days.

We are still planning to run our groups & activities as they are small sessions but please do adhere to the advice above.

If anyone is self-isolating & needs any practical support such as shopping please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Telephone: 07725041601

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