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Additional Information - Children & Coronavirus

Hi everyone

Attached is more information from our local NHS teams regarding children & Coronavirus including links & information for children with additional needs.

There is nothing especially new but this is up to date UK advice & information.

We will share any updates or new guidance as we get it.

Take care everyone... keep in touch & let us know here if anyone needs any help or support if they are needing to self-isolate.


Information Sheet for Parents

Children and Corona Virus

We appreciate your worries regarding your child being at risk of getting Corona Virus, particularly as your child has additional needs.

We are still learning about the virus and the most up to date information  pertaining to children can be found on

An Easy Read version on Corona Virus can be found here

We do know from health professionals in Italy and China that although children contract the virus just as much as adults, they experience much milder or no symptoms. But children who do get symptoms shed a considerable viral load. It is also much more challenging to self-isolate children, once they are infected. This will involve one parent/ carer self-isolating with their infected child.

Children who are at risk of a serious infection are those with:


Chronic respiratory conditions e.g. asthma, on home oxygen etc


Those known to have low immunity e.g. on medications e.g. long- term steroids, on cancer drugs or some drugs for arthritis are at a greater risk of getting a more severe illness

Other known medical conditions that lowers your child’s immunity.


Children who have other medical diagnoses e.g. Epilepsy, Down syndrome etc but no additional health conditions are not known to have an increased risk of a serious illness.

Things that you can do to help  practise good hand hygiene for the whole family, ensure that your child has a balanced nutritious diet and drink plenty of water. Antibiotics do not help.

We appreciate it is much harder for a child with autism and any condition associated with learning disabilities to practice hand hygiene. You may find this video link on how to wash hands helpful: . It is important to keep hands moisturised in between hand washing.

It also might be harder to prevent your child from picking their nose or touching their face, keeping their skin moisturised with creams and keeping the room environment not too dry can help.

It is important to try not to panic, as this will worry your child.

If your child develops a flu like symptoms the current NHS advice is to self-isolate for one week.

If you are worried that your child has a high temperature and difficulty in breathing then call NHS 111 or visit the NHS 111 website:

If you are worried that your child is unwell but not due to COVID-19 then do seek medical advice from your GP. Most GP surgeries are requesting you to ring up in advance and discuss your symptoms.

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