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Update from SENSAP re: new EHCP applications and FFI funding

We have received the following update re: new EHCP applications and FFI funding.

“The PCF steering group have met with Gary Saul (Head of Learning and Inclusion) and Beverley Williams (the new SENSAP Lead).

We addressed the fact that there were mixed messages coming to parents from schools re new EHCP applications and FFI funding.

We can confirm:

If your child currently receives FFI funding Band 2 or above, they will automatically be transferred over to an EHCP in due time- this will be a process and no FFI will be cut before this happens. When the new EHCP is in place, the funding will be part of it.

For this reason, there is no need for schools or families to rush to apply for an EHCP as this will happen as the changeover process occurs.

Having said that, if your child’s needs have changed, and they now need to be assessed, this is your statutory right and an application for assessment should and can still be submitted by schools and/or parents.”

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