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Thank You Engage Elympics

Digital agency, Engage, have completed their third quarter in their Elympics challenge and raised £488.55 for Sunshine & Smiles. 

The Elympics make donations for the amount of exercise completed by each member of staff who works at Engage. 

For example, running donates 80p per mile, working out donates £2 per mile and swimming is £4 per mile. Every month each member of staff is competing to get to the top of the leader board and along the way raising money for charity. 

Engage have 3 chosen charities this year and are thrilled to be one of them. 

How much have Engage raised this quarter?

September - £733.81
October - £725.88
November - £494.54

Making a total of £1954.23 and a charity share of £488.55 each. 

Their annual target is £10,000 and they are nearly there! Look - 

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