SEND Partnership Board Takeover 2020
In previous years students from the SILC’s and Lighthouse School have taken over the November SEND Partnership Board meeting at Leeds Civic Hall. However, this year due to the Coronavirus students are unable to attend Leeds Civic Hall in person.
Young people across the city have had different experiences during the coronavirus and lockdown, and we want to share these experiences with the SEND Partnership Board. In November a short film and report will be presented to the board virtually to share the experiences of young people with SEND and their families in Leeds during the coronavirus lockdown.
What is takeover?
Takeover Challenge puts children and young people into real-life decision-making positions in organisations. Children gain a valuable insight and gain experience of a workplace, while organisations benefit from a fresh perspective on their work.
In the last two years alone, nearly 100,000 children have taken part. They’ve stepped into the shoes of a wide range of adult jobs, including everything from MPs, mayors, TV presenters and teachers, to chief executives, business leaders and government officials.
While Takeover Challenges can happen in many ways and at many times, #TakeoverChallenge takes place during the month of November.
Who are the SEND Partnership Board?
Representatives from Health, Education, Social Care and other partners who provide a service for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
They meet every few months to discuss different areas and how they can work in partnership to ensure they meet the needs of young people living in Leeds.
Feeding back views / experiences to the board
Do you have five minutes to complete a short survey and share you experience of the coronavirus lockdown.
The survey can be completed online:
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact before the 23rd October 2020.
Thank you!
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