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Sunshine & Smiles

Sunshine and Smiles - Annual General Meeting and Report

Sunshine & Smiles AGM was held on 26th May online via Zoom. This formal meeting is a requirement of the Charity Commission to share our accounts & Annual Report with our membership. 

Click here to download our annual report. 

In line with our constitution 1/3 of our Trustee board must also retire but are able to be nominated for re-election for up to 7 terms. We are delighted that Emma Henson was re-elected to her postion of General Trustee.

Sadly we have to bid a very fond farewell to Katie Kelly, who has now served the maximum of seven consecutive terms as a Trustee for Sunshine & Smiles.

Katie has been part of Sunshine & Smiles since we first began in 2011 and was one of our first trustees in 2013. She was instrumental in key decisions and discussions as the charity began and grew, and Katie and her family have always been such wonderful supporters of Sunshine & Smiles. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Katie for her enduring commitment to Sunshine & Smiles, and for her enthusiasm, ideas and experience which have helped to shape the charity as we have grown, we are very grateful to you Katie!

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