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Refresh Carers Survey

Carers future around work, volunteering or a hobby – survey for parents / carers

Refresh Carers are two unpaid parent carers who live in Leeds, together they have 20 years of lived experience of being parent carers.

They have ambitions to change the world for unpaid parent carers!

Their first aim is to support unpaid parent carers in Leeds to achieve some of their personal goals. This could include starting a new hobby, volunteering, or working.

Refresh Carers need to find out what other unpaid parent carers in Leeds think about this idea.

Please complete their survey to share your feedback and views. The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete and all responses will be collated. Results will not identify you individually and data protection will be adhered to. We appreciate your time and response.

The deadline for completing this is 7th March 2022

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