Email Phone
Sunshine & Smiles

Important Contact Information

Important information about contacting us at weekends!

We have become increasingly aware that while all our staff work primarily during the week, we run both online and in person sessions and groups at the weekend, and sometimes you need to contact us about these. This could be to let us know that you can no longer make a group, to check a taxi booking, or for help accessing an online session. 

We want to make it really easy for you to know who is available to contact at weekends, so we now have a Weekend Duty Phone. There will be a staff member on duty at this number from 5pm on Friday - Ailith, Ania, Celine, Tamsin or Becky. 

In order for this to work, we need you to save this number in your phone as the Sunshine Weekend Phone: 07472 320168.

Other staff members will not be checking their work phones over the weekend (from 5pm Friday), so it is important that you start to use this number in order to get the help you need- it has been added into these WhatsApp groups and will be available for calls and texts as well. 

Our main contact number for during the week remains 07442 332678, which is Ailith’s number.

More news articles

Tickets for the Leeds Rhinos!

3rd Feb 2025

We have had a very generous offer from Leeds Rhinos for match tickets for their first game of the season on Saturday 15th February


Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney Advice

27th Jan 2025

Blacks Solicitors are hosting an informational evening on wills, trusts and lasting powers of attorney at 21 Co. on Thursday 27th February at 7.30pm.


Leeds Endure24

27th Jan 2025

We’re very excited to announce that Sunshine & Smiles are the Local Charity Partner for the Leeds Endure24 (the North’s biggest 24-hour trail race) taking place 27th-29th June 2025!


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We will never share them with anyone else. If you'd like to stop receiving our emails, please just contact us.