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Covid vaccination information for 16 - 18 year olds with Down syndrome and parent carers

Adults with Down Syndrome should now all have been offered the opportunity for vaccination as part of priority group 4.

Young People aged 16-18 with Down Syndrome sit in Priority group 6 (All individuals aged 16 years to 64 years with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality) and should soon be offered a vaccination. 

Unpaid family carers also sit in Priority group 6 (one carer per child)- you just need to make sure you are coded as a carer with your GP. Give them a call to check, and then they should then contact you to book for the vaccine. Alternatively, if you recieve carer's allowance you can book online via this link


Please do contact us with any questions/ concerns around Covid and adults or children with Down Syndrome and we will try to help. You can email or send us a WhatsApp on 07725041601.

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