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BME (Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic) Carers Roadshow

Do you look after a family member or friend?

Carers Leeds and Hamara Healthy Living Centre are hosting a BME* Carers Roadshow, during Carers Week 2023, for unpaid carers from Leeds' diverse communities. This event is supported by Leeds City Council.

When: Starts 10.30am - 1.30pm, Thursday 8th June 2023

Where: Hamara Centre, Tempest Road, LS11 6RD

This event aims to raise awareness of unpaid caring and the information, advice and support that is available in Leeds. There will be information stalls to help unpaid carers learn more about:

  • Finance, grants and benefits
  • Your health & wellbeing
  • Local services that can help
  • Access to social groups
  • Support available for care
  • And much more!

A number of local organisations will be on hand to help you with your caring role.

Free food and refreshments will also be available.

For enquiries about the event, please call Hamara on 0113 277 3330.

For organisations wanting to know more about the event, or if you would like a stall, please email

For advice and information, please call the Carers Leeds Advice Line on 0113 380 4300.

*BME refers to those who identify as Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic.

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