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BBC Live Lessons: Get involved!

We were recently approached by the BBC to ask if they could come and film some of our primary aged children for BBC Live Lessons - this is a teaching programme on the BBC that people can watch - you can see the website here.

The filming dates were very short notice and we were also concerned that they predominantly wanted to talk to children and ask questions and we explained that there would need to be a bit more planning in terms of incorporating Makaton & visual prompts to make the filming accessible. So we will hopeully be able to arrange another time for another series of filming.

However, there is an alternative in that parents and carers can send in their own videos of their own children talking to camera, if anyone did want to get involved – that means that people can use signs, pictures or any other means of communication. The topics are as follows: 

Anti-Bullying Episode – we would be interested to hear your pupil’s own perspective on bullying, not their own personal experiences, but their opinion on the topic itself. What is bullying? How can you describe it?  
Christmas Episode – How do children celebrate Christmas? Or do they celebrate in a different way during the festive period? We want to hear their festive celebrations.
Winter Episode – Getting children to think of words that they associate with winter. From snowflakes to blazing fires. Using their words we will then use them to create an acrostic poem in studio.

Feel free for children to do either just one activity or all the activities as they please. Here are a few points to consider when you are filming your child:

-Can you make sure you film your child in landscape and NOT portrait. Please see image below.
-Please make sure your child isn’t wearing any clothing that has a large brand/uniform logo on it, or any notable TV/film characters. Casual day wear would be ideal. 
-Please ensure there are no noticeable landmarks when filming (including house number to street name) due to safeguarding reasons.

If parents and carers can send across their consent form, media release form and their videos/pictures to the BBC contact email address which is via dropbox that would be great. If you did want to do this but can't access dropbox feel free to get in touch with Ailith or Tamsin on and we will hopefully be able to send things on your behalf.

Just to also say, unfortunately, the videos won’t guarantee they will be selected to be involved in the actual episode, if this can be reiterated to the children to manage their expectations. But we hope they will enjoy getting involved in the activity itself

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