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Bag design Competition for Care Bags in A&E departments

The Learning Disabilities and Autism Team at The Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust want to share the following about their new project: 

“We would love to involve our patients and wider population group in our new project.

We will soon be piloting Care Bags in our A&E departments for people with a learning disability and or autism. The idea the each person will be given a tote bag when they first arrive in the department. The bag will contain some clinical prompts for staff to check for our flagging system and Hospital Passports. Inside they will have easyread info about the Trust and Our Team and then some items to help them adjust their environment, distract and occupy themselves.

The idea is that patients will be empowered to manage their own environment better enhancing their experience and improving patient outcomes.

We would like to run a quick competition to design the front of the bags. We are keen these look like fun Tote bags you would use everyday whilst still being clear to staff what they are and who has funded them.

We would really appreciate if you could ask any patients or groups you feel appropriate to have a go and enter our competition.

I have attached a template for the design and an easyread letter for paticipants. This will be screen printed onto the bag. Please encourage clear, simple, fun designs!

Entries need to be back with us (via email by Thursday 10th February - sorry for the quick turnaround.

But your help is really appreciated.

Kind regards,

K. Smith

Quality Improvement Clinician for Learning Disability and Autism”

Please click here for an easy read letter for participants 

Please click here for a template for the design

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