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Sunshine & Smiles

Sunshine Youth Club - Bowling trip

Event details

Hollywood Bowl
Cardigan Fields, Kirkstall Rd, Leeds LS4 2DG

Phone: Weekday: 07725 041601 Weekend: 07472 320168

The next event for our Sunshine Youth Club will be a bowling trip to Hollywood Bowl, Kirkstall at 10:40am on Thursday 25th July.

This event is for young people of high school age 11-18yrs. 

We have initially booked 15 places but more can be added.

For this event young people must be supervised and supported by a parent or carer at all times.

Sunshine & Smiles are funding the outing, and bookings can be made here through our new booking system where voluntary donations can also be made. 

We are looking to find different venues and activities for the youth club, maybe to start with every couple of months, progressing to monthly if they are well attended. If anyone has any suggestions for activities, please do get in touch and we will look into them.

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