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Sunshine & Smiles

Speech and Language Opt-in Sessions

Event details


Phone: Weekday: 07725 041601 Weekend: 07472 320168

As you hopefully are aware, we are working on recruiting an employed Speech and Language Therapist for Sunshine & Smiles; we have a lot of sessions and support to cover and have decided the most sensible way forward is to employ our own therapist.

Obviously this has led to a delay in getting our usual groups up and running, and we understand how valued these groups are to our families. To help bridge this gap Lauren has been running online Speech and Language Sessions for us. 

You can book into a session here.

If you know that your child/young person works well in a group with others that you know, feel free to sort that amongst yourselves and book 2 consecutive sessions for a group of 2 or more - just make a note on the booking of who will be attending. Bookings will close at 4pm the day before the sessions.

We really hope you find these sessions helpful, and look forward to updating you as we progress to employing our own Speech and Language Therapist. 

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