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Sunshine & Smiles

Skelton Grange Activity Day

Event details

Skelton Grange Environment Centre
Skelton Grange Rd, Leeds LS10 1RS

Phone: Weekday: 07725 041601 Weekend: 07472 320168

We have another trip planned to the lovely Skelton Grange environment centre on 8th August (10:00-14:30).

The day will all be based around enjoying & being outdoors; we will be based in a woodland area with hammocks, dens, rope swings & mud kitchen.

The team from Skelton will then take those who want to on mini expeditions - pond dipping, to the sensory herb garden and on a nature scavenger hunt. 

Please bring a picnic & drinks for your family and weather appropriate clothing, footwear & sun cream if applicable! If the weather is very wet we can use an indoor classroom space at lunchtime. 

The day will end with a little campfire in the woods. 

We have space for 20 families to come on the day, booking is essential and you can book by following this link

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