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Sunshine & Smiles

Made with Music for Sunflowers (Ages 2-8)

Event details

Next date: 15th March 2025, 10:30-12:30

Stainbeck Community Hall
162 Stainbeck Lane

Phone: Weekday: 07725 041601 Weekend: 07472 320168

Sunflowers for ages 2-8 on a Saturday morning, every 2 weeks.

You can book onto the session here.

Here is what the session will look like this week:

  • A singing and music session with Made with Music

Made with Music is a charity in Leeds who provide accessible and educational live music experiences for families and young people. They use signing and singing to encourage learning and fun. 

This session is for children aged 2-8 and Made with Music encourage everyone to join in to allow each individual to enjoy the personal and social benefits singing brings to a group.

Siblings are welcome. Bookings will close at 4pm on Friday and please remember to cancel your place if you can no longer attend. Enjoy!

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