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Sunshine & Smiles

Individual Support

Individual support is available Monday-Friday 9:30-14:30 during school term time. We are happy to chat on the phone, via video chat or in person. In person sessions will usually be held at Stainbeck Community Hall; if transport is an issue we can book you a taxi or visit you at home. 

Our support staff are experienced and knowledgeable in helping families of those with Down Syndrome in areas of health, education and funding (among other things). If we can’t help, we will find out where there is someone who can.

Possible reasons for arranging a chat:

  • To find out more about the groups and services Sunshine & Smiles provide
  • Help completing forms such as Disability Living Allowance
  • Requesting An Education, Health and Care Plan
  • Help and advice with transitions, including starting nursery, primary school, secondary school, college or work.
  • General advice and help navigating different support and services. We are able to signpost to other organisations or liaise with them if needed to offer advice and support e.g. Mencap, SENDIASS, SENSAP.

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