New babies
We understand that one of the most difficult times for our families can be when they first receive the diagnosis of Down Syndrome. If you have your baby in Leeds General Infirmary or St James’ Hospital you should be given a Down Syndrome information pack- do ask your nurse or midwife if you haven’t yet received one.
We would love to chat to you in person or by phone when you are ready to do so- we can come and visit you and your little one in the hospital or at home just to introduce ourselves and find out a bit about your family and how we can best support you. The hospital staff can put you in contact with us or you can contact us yourselves using our contact details.
Hospital Admissions
We will continue to support you through hospital and home visits (staff availability allowing) as long as you want or need us to. Some children with Down Syndrome experience multiple hospital admissions through their first few years, through both planned and unplanned admission. If you are admitted to hospital and would like a phone call or visit, just get in contact.