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Sunshine & Smiles

Education Funding

Early Years (Nursery, Pre-school and Reception) Funding

If your child is aged 3 or 4 and recieves disability living allowance (DLA), the setting they attend is eligible to recieve disability access funding, which is £615 per child per year. They should contact the local authoritiy on how to claim this.

Early Years SEND Inclusion Fund (SENDIF) is a system for sharing a budget to support children with low level needs and emerging SEND to early years settings. Find a simple guide to SENDIF here. 

Early Years Funding For Inclusion (EYFFI) is for children in early years settings who have high level SEND. Find a simple guide to EYFFI here. 

Primary School Funding

FFI is funding for pupils of school age with SEND.  Find a simple guide to FFI here. 

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